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Shatter me - Tahereh Mafi

Hello guys!!! My laptop finally got ready, uhuuuu...

After almost a week without it, finally I’m being able to put things on order

Let’s go to this week review!!!

I decided to tell you what is my opinion on the Shatter me book by Thareh Mafi and published by Harper Collins, it is four books until now, and I’m going to be doing the review of the first one.

A new order was established in the world and containing high radiation that has contaminated as much humans as crops and animals causing food rationing among many other things.

Juliette was born in this world and because of the radiation she has the ability that when she touches people she makes them feel great pain and because of this her parents after "endure it" for fourteen years they gave her to the government and it’s when her journey begins.

She is sent to an "asylum", which looks more like a concentration and torture camp, where she is kept isolated and after 264 without contacting anyone is placed a cellmate with her and that's where Adam reappears in her life.

What she doesn’t expect is that there is a reason why he was there it’s because she is part of a plan devised by Eric, leader of the sector 46 where Juliette lives, which is interested on the powers that she has (and on her too - a crush on her) but with no good purposes.

Is it worthed???

It Dependes...

For me it seemed like a slightly different version of the X-Men Vampira character living in the age of the Apocalypse (by the way we’ll have this film in theaters in 2016), but despite of everything it’s not so bad.

I thought the beginning too slow and painful, besides that the history takes too much to unroll, when you read half of the book than it gets cool and interesting.

However you need of the first half to understand the universe that the characters live, than perhaps if the writer had shortened the begin maybe the book would have get less tiring.

I still want to read the others two after completing the top 10 list (click here to check), who knows my opinion improves.

Thank you for reading until here

See you next Friday

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