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The Selection - Kiera Cass

Hello everybody!!!

I’ll continue the books review as I said on last week, today we have The Selection trilogy by Kiera Cass and published by HarperTeen.

This book fits into the genre dystopia, however with greater focus on interpersonal relationships of America Singer than the social and economic reorganization postwar. The scenario is a United States of America after the third war and all restructured receiving a new name, Illea, which one the society was separated into caste and the country governed by a king, quite similar with the Dark Ages.

The shift of caste does not happens with facility, the paths are:


If a woman marries whit a man from a “higher” caste she is going to rise up to his caste, however if she marries whit someone of “under” caste than her she is going to be lowered to her husband’s caste.


After the young men enter to the military life they are raised to caste 2.

The Selection

A contest between thirty-five young ladies between 16 and 25 years old, with a goal of one of them being chosen by the prince to marry him and become the future queen, quite like The Bachelor tv show. Three finalists will be raised to caste 3 as their respective families and the forth one will become the princess being raised up to caste 1.

Now that you understood the system in which the characters live, let’s go to the plot.

America Singer, a girl of seventeen years old, belonging to the caste 5 and that work as a singer to help her family financially. As all teenager she falls in love and lives this great love with Aspen Leger, however because he belongs to caste 6 they keep this relationship hidden because most likely America’s family wouldn’t allow this date.

After two years together Aspen decide to end up their relationship, because he doesn’t want to see America working so hard as his mother as a servant. Just before their broke up he encourages America to participate of the contest, not to get married but to get into the finalists and be able to raise up her family caste.

Thus, after so many pressing of several ways America decides to apply to represent her province in the contest, to her greats surprise and joy of her mother and little sister May she was chosen.

Despite the poverty and often suffer from a lack of money for food and keep the house warm in winter, until this moment America is not aware of how big the revolt that is brewing for the overthrow of the dictatorial and repressive government. In the midst of all, the idea that the most repudiated starts to become a constant in her mind, she can being in love for the prince Maxon Schreave .

Is it worth???????????

The story was very well written and will not fell boring in any moment, however there are chances that you will want to read the trilogy as fast as you can.

The entire course of the book with historical content and religions features were very well received and absorbed by the author, showing Kiera insight.

If you're looking to live a novel amid the start of an uprising, and walk the secrets hidden behind the walls of a castle, then this book is for you

Thank you for reading until here

See you next Friday

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