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Why Read This Blog???

Why start a new project at the end of the week, where usually all ends and a few starts?

I tell you, who dictated the law that all that is to start should be in the first day of the week, by the way for those who follow the Christian calendar would be on Sunday, but still begin in a Monday. Confuse ?!

So I say it's time to change our stories, we begin to exercise ourselves when we find to be a convenient day, start the diet on a Saturday, and today we will create new habits that we want !!!

It's time to think outside the box, see things in other perspectives that exist on a single fact, and what makes humans think for other angles? Only one word BOOKS.

Maybe that's why I am so eccentric, rsrsrsrsrs !!!!

In Top 10 you will find my list of books that I "obliged" myself to read this year, unless I get not liking it and I will put away, but I will have to replace it with another one. I must say that I'm at the end of one of them, if you want to know which title is do not miss the next posts.

Thank you for come until here

See you on the next

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